Dave Freed "the Tomato Guy" in the Los Angeles Times

It was quite an honor to be featured in the Los Angeles Times weekend Gardening Section. Yes, I was both shocked and surprised when I received the email asking for an interview……and the rest is history…..

“You can do it your way if you want," he said, "and be known as a bonsai tomato person, growing tiny plants with tiny tomatoes. But if you want a lot of tomatoes, follow the suggestions I give you.”

Read the full article here:

Want a bumper crop of tomatoes? Listen to this guy

Over 150,000 visits to this website. Truly amazing. Follow my simple instructions and you will produce lots of tomatoes as well as other garden vegetables.

Presently, I am scheduling lectures including slideshow presentations around Southern California on how to Grow Tomatoes Easily as well as other garden vegetables.

You are welcome to share this information with others—family, friends and clubs, etc.

Sharing tips helps us be better growers.

Dave Freed / the Tomato Guy

🍅 Bumper Harvests Made Simple - Discover the secrets to cultivating tomato plants that yield over 100 lbs of fruit!

Expert Advice At Your Fingertips - Get straight-to-the-point guidance on tomato care, including:

  • Pest Control: Keep your tomatoes safe from critters.
  • Disease Prevention: Spot signs early and take action.
  • Optimal Growth Tips: Watering, sunlight, soil, and more!